Paralyzed Lyrics
If you are looking for the Paralyzed lyrics, you have come to the right place. We have compiled a collection of videos and song from all over the internet. These paralyzed songs are only for educational purposes. All video and song lyrics on this page are the copyright of their respective owners. Read our legal disclaimer for more details. We do not host or sell any of the song or video clips, so please respect the copyright of the creators.
Paralyzed song & video lyrics are provided for educational purposes only
“Paralyzed” is a song by Australian singer-songwriter Delta Goodrem. Co-written by Goodrem and Marla Altschuler, the track was released on 17 July 2020 by Sony Music Australia. Goodrem promoted the song through live shows and radio interviews. It was performed on the season 9 grand final of The Voice Australia and on SiriusXM radio. It is scheduled to appear on Goodrem’s upcoming Bridge Over Troubled Dreams Tour.
Paralyzed song & video lyrics are property & copyright of their owners
All song / video are the property of their owners and are provided for educational purposes only. iLyrcally makes no warranty as to the accuracy or quality of the content. It assumes no liability for loss or damage that might result from using the lyrics. If you would like to submit a Paralyzed song or video , please visit the link below.
This page contains only paralyzed song & video lyrics
“Paralyzed” is a rock song by Big Time Rush. It was released as an exclusive bonus track on the band’s Elevate album, which is now no longer available. The song is an earworm that was also available only in the band’s “Ultimate Fan Edition.” It leans towards pop-rock, but also features some electronic elements. The video was shot in Los Angeles, where the band’s fans can see BTR perform on the streets.