If you’re looking for the latest news about Anupama, you might be interested to learn about the song lineup for the upcoming episodes. We’ve compiled some of the best tracks from Her upcoming episodes to get a sneak peek into what she has in store for us. Whether she’s going for rock or flower songs, or something else entirely, you can find out by watching the show every Tuesday at 8pm on Funstation and other live streaming services.
Anupama’s relationship with Hashmukh
Anupama’s relationship with Hasmukh begins to unravel in the second half of the season, as Hasmukh’s love for his wife grows and he starts to question his own marriage. He doesn’t want to take his daughter’s hand, even though it is not right for them. However, Hasmukh’s heartfelt apology makes Anupma decide to reveal the secret to Hashmukh.
Anupama’s relationship with Hasmukh is in shambles after the incident. Anupma’s ex-husband tries to keep their relationship a secret, but Leela tries to convince her to do so. The two begin an argument in which Leela accuses Hasmukh of stealing from Vanraj. Hasmukh is angry and tells Anupama that she did not tell him about her relationship with Hasmukh, but Leela urges her to do so.
Her relationship with Vanraj
The climax of Anupama’s storyline is the discovery of Vanraj’s evil plans. After her marriage, Anupma is devastated to discover that Vanraj is trying to ruin her new life. As a result, she tells Vanraj that she will never trust him again, despite his assurances to the contrary. Despite their differences, both Vanraj and Anupama will remarry.
After years of marriage, Anupma and Vanraj have a child, Malvika. Both of them are afraid of losing their husbands, but both women are equally afraid of losing their children. Vanraj tries to save their relationship, but Anupma refuses to let him. At this point, Anupma meets Malvika, who is also attracted to Vanraj.
Her relationship with Hashmukh
Despite having a strained relationship with her father, Anupma is able to maintain a strong emotional bond with Hashmukh. She shares the same strong values and goals with him. Her father was a good person, but Leela is not a good one. Leela has an uncanny ability to influence people. This shows in her behavior and decisions.
Anupama’s relationship with Hasmukh will take a serious turn in the second half of the season. As Hasmukh realizes that he is falling in love with Anupma, his love for her deepens. In addition, he refuses to help his wife and is even doubting his marriage. He also has a daughter who is madly in love with her. Although Anupma is adamant about her relationship with Hasmukh, she finds herself in a dilemma as to how to help her son.
Her relationship with Anuj
Anupama’s relationship with Anj is at stake as the former wants to make her husband’s daughter happy. He is not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Vanraj has a serious problem with Anupama’s attitude. As a result, he tries to manipulate her to get her to change her mind. Vanraj’s rebuke annoys Anupma. However, Anupma doesn’t let him do it.
The latest episode of the Star Plus show Anupma has made Anupama the most popular serial on the small screen. The series is dominating the TRP charts and the lead actors are Gaurav Khanna and Sudhanshu Pandey. The chemistry between Anupama and Anuj has won the hearts of viewers and they have also been winning many hearts. Meanwhile, Anupama’s family is opposing the relationship